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EHS leader, Asia Pacific(fire 新宇奖金:¥100元



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推荐求职者成功入职后,推荐者将拿到60%入职奖金,被推荐的求职者也会拿到 40%入职奖金。

自荐成功入职后,自荐人将获得 100%的入职奖金。

1. 如何推荐赚钱?

2. 推荐求职者入职成功后,如何申请奖金?
求职者入职成功后,拔打新宇网客服热线:0755-85242419 新宇网核实后,会发放奖金。

1. 如何自荐?
2. 自荐入职后,如何申请奖金?
自己入职成功后,拔打新宇网客服热线:0755-85242419 新宇网核实后,会发放奖金。



Responsibility:1. Interpretation of fire protection safety related local legislation and company policies which are pertinent to company business.2. Be responsible for developing site fire protection safety professionals and related competencies in AP region3. Provide technical support to sites to resolve fire safety related issues.4. Coordinate and/or lead programs to improve fire safety performances across sites and businesses.5. Participate and/or leads 1st and 2nd party fire safety management audits to locations in the region.6. Provide leadership and expertise in fire safety during planning, designing, construction, start-up and continuous operation of the project at region plant sites.7. Support the new project to go through EH&S Readiness to Operate (RTO) process before the turn-over of the project to operations, and guide fire safety permitting process for the project.8. Support sites on Inspection, Test and Maintenance (ITM) implementation and improvement9. Lead regional fire safety network to promote fire safety in Asia pacific, cascade global guidance and drive for compliance.10. Support business on distribution safety and perform audit.Qualification1. BS or MS in safety engineering, chemical engineering or other related major.2. At least five years experience in chemical industry or coating plant site.3. Competent in fire safety safety, be familiar with local regulations and NFPA standards. Experience in distribution safety and hazardous chemical management is a plus.4. Good auditing experience & skill5. Fluent in both Mandarin and English languages.
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