公司简介:宝佳丽涂料公司是集科研、生产、营销为一体的高新技术企业,本企业技术力量雄厚,公司座落在美丽的西子湖畔杭州市。本公司技术力量雄厚,生产经验丰富,与美国、德国、新加坡及国内多家企业和高校有着密切的技术合作关系。公司在国内同行中率先通ISO9001-2000 国际质量体系认证,并全面通过了ISO14001 环境管理体系和中国环境标志认证。 宝佳丽涂料公司凭借优质的进口原料,独特的配方,考究的工艺及严格的生产流程管理,从而造就了宝佳丽的非凡品质,在生产过程中尤其注重产品的环保性和安全性,多年来致力开发的环保内外墙乳胶漆、弹性涂料、真石漆、金属漆、彩色地坪漆、 PU 氟碳漆、翻新腻子及质感涂料等,深受各经销商的赞誉和青睐,在蓬勃发展的经济领域中占有一席之地。 职位介绍:1、学习能力强,热爱销售,喜欢有挑战性的工作;2、熟悉涂料市场及其发展动态, 勤奋敬业,有本行业销售经验者优先;3、具有一定的应变能力、谈判能力和独立开拓市场及客户的能力;4、具备良好的客户管理和销售拓展能力;5、有客户资源者优先。工作地点:不限全国6、工作时间地点完全自由。本公司在业内拥有良好的信誉跟口碑,产品辐射全国各地。有着成熟的品牌信誉跟广阔的市场需求!海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞!让我们携手努力,共创美好明天!
宝佳丽涂料公司是集科研、生产、营销为一体的高新技术企业,本企业技术力量雄厚,公司座落在美丽的西子湖畔杭州市。本公司技术力量雄厚,生产经验丰富,与美国、德国、新加坡及国内多家企业和高校有着密切的技术合作关系。公司在国内同行中率先通ISO9001-2000 国际质量体系认证,并全面通ISO14001 环境管理体系和中国环境标准认证。
宝佳丽涂料凭借优质的进口原料,独特的配方,考究的工艺及严格的生产流程管理,从而造就了宝佳丽的非凡品质,在生产过程中尤其注重产品的环保性和安全性,多年来致力开发的环保内外墙乳胶漆、弹性涂料、真石漆、金属漆、彩色地坪漆、 PU 氟碳漆、翻新腻子及质感涂料等,深受各经销商的赞誉和青睐,在蓬勃发展的经济领域中占有一席之地。
Bvlgari paint company is a collection of scientific research, production, marketing as one of the high-tech enterprises, the company strong technical force, the company is located in the beautiful West Lake in Hangzhou city. The company has strong technical strength, rich production experience, and the United States, Germany, Singapore and a number of domestic enterprises and colleges and universities have close relations and technological cooperation. The company in the domestic counterparts in the first through the ISO9001-2000 international quality system certification, and the full ISO14001environment management system and Chinese environmental standard.
Bvlgari coatings with high quality imported raw materials, a unique formula, sophisticated technology and strict management of the production process, thereby creating the Bvlgari special quality, in the production process with particular attention to a product\'s environmental and safety, over the years, is committed to the development of environmentally friendly latex paint in the external walls, paint, metal paint really Shiqi, flexible, color paint, fluorocarbon paint, refurbished PU putty and texture coating, by the dealer\'s praise and favor, in the vigorous development in the economic field occupy a space for one person.
Bvlgari coating elevation on micro business, law, diligent, sincere dedication. And solemn commitment : to provide customers with the most enthusiasm, the most thoughtful pre-sale, sale, after sale service system, such as your right of the company have any comments and insights, welcometo put forward valuable suggestions!