因为专业 所以卓越

RMWH Forklift Driver / 原材料叉车工新宇奖金:¥100元

工作地点:山东省 青岛市 


1. 推荐赚钱的职位,在搜索结果中,排在最前面。
2. 推荐赚钱的职位,在首页急聘专区会放上一段时间。

推荐求职者成功入职后,推荐者将拿到60%入职奖金,被推荐的求职者也会拿到 40%入职奖金。

自荐成功入职后,自荐人将获得 100%的入职奖金。

1. 如何推荐赚钱?

2. 推荐求职者入职成功后,如何申请奖金?
求职者入职成功后,拔打新宇网客服热线:0755-85242419 新宇网核实后,会发放奖金。

1. 如何自荐?
2. 自荐入职后,如何申请奖金?
自己入职成功后,拔打新宇网客服热线:0755-85242419 新宇网核实后,会发放奖金。



Receive raw materials from supplier, check, confirm quantity and store.从供应商处接收原材料,核实数量并入搬运入库? Transfer empty drums, pallets and rubbish bins from warehouse to the designated place将原材料仓库 的空桶,卡板及垃圾箱运至指定位置? Follow the driving procedure strictly严格执行叉车驾驶程序? Maintenance forklift daily日常维护保养叉车? Pick raw materials according to the RM orders correctly根据RM拣料单拣料并称量,确保准确无误? Do RM Warehouse housekeeping.保持原材料仓库卫生? Assistant RM storekeeper conduct monthly physical stock taking协助仓管月度库存盘点? Completing the temporary operation arranged by Storekeeper, Foreman or Supervisor完成仓管、领班或者主管安排的临时性工作
招聘职位 招聘人数 工作地区 学历要求 刷新日期 截至日期
操作工 14人 山东省 青岛市 中专 2025-02-23 2025-03-25
PLC Operator / 编程控制操作工... 1人 山东省 青岛市 中专 2025-02-23 2025-03-25
RMWH Storekeeper / 原料仓管员... 1人 山东省 青岛市 中专 2025-02-23 2025-03-25
RMWH Forklift Driver / 原材料... 3人 山东省 青岛市 高中 2025-02-23 2025-03-25
RMWH Preweighing Operator / ... 2人 山东省 青岛市 中专 2025-02-23 2025-03-25
堆高机司机(高位叉车工) 1人 山东省 青岛市 中专 2025-02-23 2025-03-25
Customer Service Coordinator 1人 山东省 青岛市 大专 2025-02-23 2025-03-25
Jotun is one of the world\'s leading manufacturers of marine, protective and powder coatings and decorative paints.The group has 71 companies and 36 production facilities on all continents. Jotun products are avaliable more than 90 countries through own subsidiaries, joint ventures, agents, branch offices and distributors. Jotun\'s total sales in 2012 was NOK 15,852 million, and has more than 9,000 employees. The Jotun Group is organised into four segments and seven geographical regions, and has its head office in Sandefjord, Norway.

Our Web: www.jotun.com.cn
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