Investigating and correcting yield and process issues during the initial startup and qualification of new equipment.
? Monitoring and responding to yield signals,">
因为专业 所以卓越

工艺技术员(Process Technician)新宇奖金:¥100元



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推荐求职者成功入职后,推荐者将拿到60%入职奖金,被推荐的求职者也会拿到 40%入职奖金。

自荐成功入职后,自荐人将获得 100%的入职奖金。

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自己入职成功后,拔打新宇网客服热线:0755-85242419 新宇网核实后,会发放奖金。



Investigating and correcting yield and process issues during the initial startup and qualification of new equipment.

? Monitoring and responding to yield signals, trouble-shooting the process on the equipment, and correcting process issues.

? Responding to Production requests for assistance when the process isn't working correctly. As the first line of defense for process issues, the Process Technician will need to either fix the problem or bring it to the attention of the Equipment Technician.

? Help to ensure that Engineering experiments and non-standard conditions are understood and supported on their shift. Will also execute experiments and special requests from Engineering.

? This position may require the individual to travel to the US for a period of 8-12 weeks for the purpose of training. The focus of this training will encompass the startup and qualification of process equipment, diagnosing and fixing process issues, and utilizing sustaining systems to improve uptime and yield while driving down cost. This will include the following processes: silicon crushing, silicon doping (Si Prep), crystal growth (Quads), and QC. Upon completion of this training, this position will return to Wuhan to support the new Wafer Fab operation being started.

? Strong problem solving skills with multitasking capabilities

? Demonstrate initiative and evidence of the ability to be self-directing

? Strong teamwork skills.

? Creative and flexible to thrive under changing priorities

? Familiarity with statistical process control (SPC) methods

? Some background with thin film metrology, data analysis (using software such as Excel), and production equipment would be beneficial

? Ability to commun
招聘职位 招聘人数 工作地区 学历要求 刷新日期 截至日期
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仓管员( Warehouse Keeper) 2人 湖北省—武汉市 大专 2025-03-12 2025-04-11
"艾格太阳能(武汉)有限公司作为美国常绿太阳能公司(Evergreen Solar, Inc. stock:ESLR)进入中国的首站,成立于2009年5月,注册资本为5000万美元,是一家致力于为世界提供先进优质的太阳能发电产品中美合资企业。公司主要从事硅片的生产,产品广泛应用于住宅区、商业场所和工厂企业等场所。为满足业务快速发展的需要,热忱欢迎优秀人才加盟,与艾格共同成长和发展。

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